כולל מי תורה

Welcome to Kolel Mei Torah of Kew Gardens, NY founded in 1992. We are a serious, eclectic and joyful aguda of torah learners who meet daily in Shaar haTorah's beis midrash.
תזכו למצוות
  • By credit card via this link
  • By zelle at kolelmeitorah1@gmail.com
  • By check to "Kolel Mei Torah" and mailed to
    8432 Lefferts Blvd, Kew Gardens, NY 11415


Rabbi Shmuel Munk is the full time Rosh HaKolel and has been a faculty member since the Kolel's founding in 1992. He is a posek in Niddah by Yeshiva Shaar haTorah, his alma mater. He has also studied at Bnei Torah, the Mir Yeshiva in Brooklyn, the Mir in Yerushalayim, Torah Vodaas He is the scion of Rabbi Elie Munk, the former chief Rabbi of Paris. His studies concentrate on in-depth analysis of Choshen Hamishpat.
Rabbi Asher Taub, Esq. is the Nasi HaKolel and part time faculty member since the Kolel's founding in 1992. He graduated Shaar haTorah and the Mir. He graduated cum laude with a JD from St. John's University and is principal at Taub Law Group. He also runs the Kew Gardens Mikvah. His studies are concentrated on gemara.
Rabbi Ori Greenfield is a full time faculty member since 2000. He graduated Shaar haTorah and Derech haTalmud. He's also moser chaburas to BMG in Lakewood b'iyun. His studies at the kolel concentrate on an in-depth halachic analysis of Yevamos.
Rabbi Elimelech Feibusch is a full time faculty member since 2004. He attended Bais Yisroel and Yeshiva University. His studies concentrate on an in-depth halachic analysis of Mikvaos.
Rabbi Alex Weiner is a full time faculty member since 2016. He went to Shaar Hatorah. He is also a mohel. You can contact him at his website, Elijah's Choice Mohel.
Rabbi Yonatan Cohen is a full time faculty member since 2021. He went to Shaar Hatorah and the Mir in Yerushalayim. He is a rebbe at the night seder in Lander's and at Camp Aish's 8th grade masmidim program. His studies concentrate on an in-depth halachic analysis of Mikvaos.
Rabbi Dov Greenberg is a full time faculty member since 2022. He went to Shaar Hatorah and the Mir in Yerushalayim. His studies concentrate on an in-depth halachic analysis of Yevamos.
Moshe Pogrow is a part time faculty member since 1998. He studied at Hechal haTorah. He belonged to Kolel Ohr haEmet from 2005-2010.
Dr. Adam Kapelner is a part time faculty member since 2023. He is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at Queens College, CUNY where he administers the Data Science and Statistics Program. He has a PhD and MA in Statistics from the Wharton School and a BS from Stanford University (see more at his homepage). His studies concentrate on halacha, midrashim and kabbala.
Michael Shapiro is a full time faculty member since 2022 when he joined after retiring from teaching Mathematics in NYC public schools. His program of study at the kolel includes gemara, tanakh, halacha, midrashim and kabbala.